Tana Goertz

The Bedazzling Queen is Trump’s top Iowa staffer

The person running Donald Trump’s campaign once recorded an infomercial for the Bedazzler. It’s not every day that one receives a gift. However, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that Donald Trump’s decision to run for President is the gift that keeps on giving luxurious, classy gifts that everyone agrees are terrific. Case in point: the …

Boo Boo Goo Paint-on Bandages Invented by a Kid

Boo Boo Goo, invented by 6-year-old Kiowa Kavovit, is a natural alternative to Band-Aids: a revolutionary new skin protectant that paints on a bandage in fun colors for kids as well as skin tones for concealing small cuts and scrapes. It’s environmentally friendly: A .5 oz bottle is the equivalent of 65 Band-Aids: band-aids that …