Shark Tank Products

Sound Based RattleSinkers and Fishing Lures on Shark Tank

World Record Striper Company

Greg Myerson Rattle is the patent pending mechanism in their products that brings science to the art of fishing. RattleSinkers caught 4 world Record Stripers.

Any time Greg mentions the RattleSinker™, those words are quickly followed by sound or science. Greg has spent a lot of time studying game fish, the conditions they are caught in, how different species act and what baits they find attractive. The observations he’s taken, combined with those of other people he’s fished with, have shaped many of Greg’s beliefs about how to find, target and land big fish.

His science-based sound attractant, which mimics crustaceans, has obviously worked well to fool some pretty big stripers. But it works just as well on many other fresh and salt waters species: small- and largemouth bass, bluefish, tautog and flounder to name a few.


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