Ask Amy: Rabbit TV Cable and satellite TV can be pricey and often require a contract. Many are turning to internet streaming services to save money. But there may be a cheaper and easier way to watch thousands of TV channels and movies straight from your computer without a contract. It doesn’t matter where you …
‘Shark Tank’ Ratings Down, ’20/20′ Ratings Surge, ‘Blue Bloods’ & ‘Grimm’ Steady
Back in the race after 3 weeks off the air, an original Shark Tank (1.5/5) last night saw pitches from beekeepers and personalized plush toy makers as well as the duo from Focus Athletics trying to induce Mark Cuban and gang to invest in their lightweight runners. Down 17% among adults 18-49 from its last …
Paid Announcement Products The Truth Behind These Great TV Products
If you are inundated with infomercial products at home that you no longer use of need a good place to sell these types of products is to post them on ebay. Because of the publicity they get from television most people will recognize these products. Purchasing fitness equipment and work out videos online has grown …
Clearwater Studio and Marc Gill Hosts Ronco’s Big New Pitch
Marc Gill, pitchman for Ronco, right, and Bluewater Media Senior Producer David Tiberia go over a script during a break in filming an infomercial for the Ready Grill in Clearwater. The company hopes the Ready Grill does for Ronco what the rotisserie oven and Pocket Fisherman did to establish it as the brand Americans once …
TV Memorabilia Collectors of Old Commercials on DVDs
Videomercials has over 13,640 classic TV commercials archived on over *Sixty Volumes* of your choice of DVD or Video. This is incredible because Lionel did not realize that he had collected (literally) THOUSANDS of old TV ads from as far back in the 1950s, and way into the late 1990s. In the summer of 2001 …
WWE Cutting the Cord: Network’s streaming smackdown
Professional wrestling company WWE has launched a new online subscription network for wrestling fans. Here’s a new online service that is truly over the top: the WWE Network. The new 24-7 wrestling subscription video service, is the latest entertainment brand to launch a network that is “over the top,” the industry label for content that …
Gadget Inventors Reach Customers Through TV Commercial Ads
Many of the most innovative gadgets sold in America today are specialty items — generally marketed through extravagant late-night TV commercials. These items also are sold through bulk mail advertisements that use the slogan “as seen on TV!” The business can generate big profits for those who come up with successful products. TV ads offer …
Does It Work? Light Angel Review
You see the ads during your favorite TV show in the afternoon or late at night and often you see an aisle dedicated just for them. “As Seen on TV” products promise to make our lives better. So once again, Nancy Naeve is putting them to the test. She enlightens us on the Light Angel …