As Seen On TV Shark Tank Products

Chordbuddy Learn to Play the Guitar Seen on Shark Tank

ChordBuddy As Seen on ABC’s Shark Tank!

As soon as the ChordBuddy is properly attached to your acoustic or electric guitar, you will be able to make music.

Within a few weeks, you’ll begin removing some of the tabs and making the chords on your own. In two months, you’ll be able to play the guitar with no ChordBuddy at all!

ChordBuddy Jr – The only guitar in the world a 4-8 year old can play instantly! Chordbuddy Jr is a REAL guitar in miniature – this is NOT a toy, it’s a real guitar with all the quality and features of a full-size acoustic guitar. Within minutes of taking ChordBuddy Jr out of the box kids will be playing real songs.

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